Besni dirkač iz formule žuga cehu poštarjev.
Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.
Es extraño mojar queso en la cerveza o probar whisky de garrafa.
Gojazni đačić s biciklom drži hmelj i finu vatu u džepu nošnje.
Six big devils from Japan quickly forgot how to waltz.
Flygande bäckasiner söka hwila på mjuka tuvor.
Monsieur Jack, vous dactylographiez bien mieux que Wolf.
About this family
Linotte is a rounded sans with a warm and naïve look, available in seven styles. The Semibold style is free for personal and commercial use.
The family was updated in 2021 with two new styles (thin and black), Greek and Cyrillic support, new stylistic sets, and lots of other improvements.
Character set : Latin extended, Greek, Cyrillic
Where to buy ?
Desktop, web and application licenses are available from these resellers :